1   Aiming for the Olympics

  It has been about 30 years since Sports Yukigassen® was created.  Yukigassen (Snowball fighting) has become a sport enjoyed all over the world. 

"We want more people to know Yukigassen!"
"We want to share the fun and excitement of Yukigassen!"
“We want to interact with more people through Yukigassen!”
Ideas like these motivated JYF to start seeking Snowball Fighting as an official Olympic event.


2 The Road to the Olympics

Starting with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the organizing committee of the host city will be able to propose additional events to the International Olympic Committee (IOC).  Until Sports Yukigassen®︎ is adopted in the Olympic Games, JYF must work to spread it around the world. 


3 Efforts of JYF

The aim of JYF is to see Sports Yukigassen®︎ as an official part of the Olympic Games.The federation is a member of the Japan Sports Association, and holds the Japan Snowball Fight Championship as their first step to popularize the sport throughout Japan as a national competition. We also hold a national elementary school competition every year to spread Sports Yukigassen® to children who make up the next generation.


Japan Yukigassen Federation Initiatives - Aiming for the Olympics

The Japan Yukigassen Federation® will continue its activities with the aim of being recognized in the future Olympic Games. The preparation room for the establishment of the World Sports Yukigassen® Federation was established in September 2017.

The preparation room for the establishment of the World Sports Yukigassen® Federation was established in September 2017.
